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Bibles in Lango!

Dear Church,

Re: Update on Results of your Support.

I send you greetings from Lira, Uganda, God is good as ever. You have been part of those that provided for Bibles for the brethren here in Uganda in 2018. Bibles were procured and delivered to the native pastors in July through October 2018, a big thank you to you and the church, but most importantly, glory be to the Almighty God

I wish to update you that we have been engaged in outreaches doing training for native pastors/Christian spiritual leaders in the villages in Lira, northern Uganda. From June 2018 to September 2019 we conducted thirteen (13) seminars and trained 759 pastors (the number had about 75% aged between 20 – 45 years both men and women, and the rest are elder of above 45 years old). We do train servant leadership and discipleship, and help organize evangelism in partnership with those pastors within their localities. We delivered 177 bibles to the servant leaders, with the Bibles, they now hold Bible Study meetings in homes, and organize Sunday evening fellowships (prayer and preaching) in the open public places, 14 Evangelism crusades conducted in the 10 villages. Report from those villages indicate 118 adults got born again, and uncounted number were prayed for. One Church is to be opened in November 2019 in the village where there are new converts to have them fellowship at a nearby place from their residence.

Thank you again, your contribution have touched lives and will continue to, as one pastor testified, in his own words ‘Now I no longer move around borrowing a bible to help me prepare my sermon and teaching and preaching in Sunday services’ – Hudson Obote. Even Bible readers are now there when I quote they can stand up and read the quoted scripture – Another testimony.

We will continue to do trainings and our most recent was on October 1, we had 20 trained. The need for Bibles is still much in villages reached and those not yet reached, so pray with us for God to provide the Bibles. With your recent contribution we will be giving Bibles soon, may the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always, Amen.

In Christ Affection,

James Adupa


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